Archive for May, 2014

Real life struggle

Been dealing with it for so long, been holding in too much. 

I need a get away, a safe place. I’m tired of dealing with humanity..

What gives YOU the right to determine the faith of any living thing, with a heart, a brain, feelings and emotions. 

This is probably not the smartest decision but i’m willing to take the heat. 

You’re my sunshine, my smile, my life, my morning and my night, my in- between, my during, my before and will always be.

How can you be so relevant, how did you become my life, when did i fall in love with you?

… and who dares try to take you away from me, even worst:

who dares to reject your sweet love, your tender kisses, your beautiful brown eyes. 

suckers! They have no hearts, so blind they can’t even see the amount of happiness you can give.

But you dont need to, you dont need their approval, you only need me.

You only need my love, my hugs at night, my kisses everyday.

Random gifts, spontaneous trips everyday!


i love you, to the moon && back my sweet bear ❤
